Tag Archives: STP

Cisco CCENT & CCNA STP Exam Question

As you prepare for your CCNA certification exam, you will be called upon to merge multiple concepts you learned into one exam question.  This is one of the things that really sets the CCENT (Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician) and CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Administrator) certifications a step above A+, Net+ or Microsoft certifications which […]

Ether channel

Overview in the previous chapter, we looked at the role of redundancy in the network and the prevention of loops in redundant LANs using STP. In this chapter, we will look at how we can utilize the links between our switches more effectively even in a network that STP has blocked links on. We will […]

STP Part I

Overview In the previous chapter, we looked at how we can segment a network using VLANs. In this chapter, we will discuss redundancy and how the end devices in the switched network are able to recover from a failure. We will discuss the role of STP in making sure that there are no loops as […]


Overview In part one of this chapter, we learnt how to configure VLANs on a switch. In this section, we will focus on deleting of VLANs on a switch, verification of configured VLANs as well as troubleshooting of some common VLAN problems. Deleting VLANs In other chapters, we have seen that using “no” at the […]